
Makalah tentang pembaru islam
Makalah tentang pembaru islam

Based on the rules, there is a lot of section explain that the arrangement is given to religion rules. An interesting part to study on UUPZ is the tithe collecting system recently which is unable to work optimal. needs to analyze to find the problems or weaknesses. It has been done to complete tithe collecting system in order to make the tithe more succeed, useful, and responsible. Today, Indonesia has released rules of tithe, there was stated on rule no. Tithe as one of pillar in Islam is a Muslim obligation who is able to do it for the people who have right to received. Liberals.Keywords: Concepts Of Contemporary Islamic, Contemporer Of Education The development and the concept of Islamic thought in Indonesia there are four (4): 1. Ahmad Dahlan, Abdur Rahman Wahid (Gus Dur), Nur Khalid Majid, Fazlur Rahman, Muslim Hassan Hanafi, Adonis, Mahmoud Muhammad Taha, Nash Hamid Abu Zaid, Muhammad Shahrur, with a variety of different ideas. The development of Islamic thought in Indonesia is growing with the birth of some of the figures Islamic thought among KH. The type of this research is literature review using a sociological approach to religion and history that will reveal some of the concepts of contemporary Islamic thought in Indonesia. Based the feature needs to be known and studied. Each has a complexion and facial pretty religious. Liberalis.Kata Kunci: Konsep Pemikiran Islam, Pendidikan Kontemporer The emergence of the phenomenon of Islamic understanding are very diverse, of course, have the background of its emergence, extent and characteristics of each movement of Islamic thought which emerged in Indonesia. Adapun perkembangan dan konsep pemikiran Islam di Indonesia ada empat (4) yaitu: 1. Ahmad Dahlan, Abdur Rahman Wahid (Gus Dur), Nur Khalid Majid, Fazlur Rahman, Muslim Hassan Hanafi, Adonis, Mahmud Muhammad Thaha, Nash Hamid Abu Zaid, Muhammad Syahrur, dengan berbagai pemikiran yang berbeda-beda. Perkembangan pemikiran islam di Indonesia semakin berkembang dengan lahirnya beberapa tokoh-tokoh pemikirin islam diantaranya K. Adapun jenis penelitian ini adalah kajian pustaka dengan menggunakan pendekatan sosiologi Agama dan sejarah yang akan mengungkap beberapa konsep pemikiran Islam kontemporer di Indonesia. Dari corak tersebut perlu diketahui dan dipelajari. Masing-masing mempunyai corak dan wajah yang cukup beragama. Munculnya fenomena paham keislaman yang amat beragam, tentunya memilki latar belakang kemunculannya, batasan dan ciri-ciri dari masing-masing gerakan pemikiran Islam yang muncul di Indonesia.

Makalah tentang pembaru islam