
Just light novel
Just light novel

The book, due out November 22 from Soho Press, fashions the life of one IG-famous hopeful into a study of our eternal anxieties about youth and desire and self-commodification versus self-empowerment, all against a background of reply-guys comments, brand-friendly boob jobs, and cannabis sponsorship deals. There’s a tendency in the internet age to meet every cycle of new technology (or, say, term of social media ownership) with the usual anxieties that this might finally be the thing that changes everything about us-how we live, what we want, and who we hope to be.īut maybe Instagram has already done all that? The app has given rise to an influencer economy too formidable to dismiss with a straight face and is old enough now, at a decade, to have inspired at least one great novel: the forthcoming Aesthetica from Allie Rowbottom.

Just light novel